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TAITH Projects

Taith is Wales’ new international funding. With last year being the pilot round there has never been a better time to get involved. If you or your club are interested in organising a youth exchange, staff development visit or exploring international opportunities visit or email

Watch this space for the next Taith Funding Opportunity!

We are opening applications for young people in our BGC Wales Network to apply for a space on this year's German Exchange, hosted in Wales. 

We are so excited to continue our partnership with Sportskreisjungend Rems-Murr and have them join us in Wales.

Applications close at the end of the month!
Young people aged 14-17 are now able to use the QR code on the poster to apply for a space on this opportunity. Any questions, please contact

Welsh/German Exchange 2024

P1 23/24 Inward Mobility


We are opening applications for young people in our BGC Wales Network to apply for a space on this year's German Exchange, hosted in Wales.

We are so excited to continue our partnership with Sportskreisjungend Rems-Murr and have them join us in Wales.

Applications close at the end of the month!
Young people aged 14-17 are now able to use the QR code on the poster to apply for a space on this opportunity. Any questions, please contact

A fantastic opportunity for young people aged 
14 - 17 in our BGC Wales Network to visit America!

Welsh/American Youth Exchange

P1 23/24 Outward Mobility

In 2024 tbc

A fantastic opportunity for young people aged
14 - 17 in our BGC Wales Network to visit America!

We have been fortunate to have established good relationships with two organisations in France and the girls will play 2 games, share training sessions and have the opportunity to explore shared history and culture with the young people from our partner organisations.

Rugby Girls Exchange to France

P1 23/24 Outward Mobility


We have been fortunate to have established good relationships with two organisations in France and the girls will play 2 games, share training sessions and have the opportunity to explore shared history and culture with the young people from our partner organisations.

We are so excited for our U18’s Boys team to go to Canada on youth exchange in the next few weeks. The boys will spend a fantastic week in the Toronto area, playing and exchanging cultures with local young people. Keep your eyes peeled for updates and photos on our social media!

Rugby U18s Exchange to Canada

P1 23/24 Outward Mobility


We are so excited for our U18’s Boys team to go to Canada on youth exchange in the next few weeks. The boys will spend a fantastic week in the Toronto area, playing and exchanging cultures with local young people. Keep your eyes peeled for updates and photos on our social media!

The U16s boys are off to the Netherlands to play and share experiences with the Netherlands national U16s side. The boys will have the opportunity to learn more about the Netherlands and their own cultures over the bank holiday weekend.

Rugby U16s Exchange to the Netherlands

P1 23/24 Outward Mobility


The U16s boys are off to the Netherlands to play and share experiences with the Netherlands national U16s side. The boys will have the opportunity to learn more about the Netherlands and their own cultures over the bank holiday weekend.

We had a fantastic time visiting the World Federation of Youth Clubs, as well as BGC America Youth Clubs in Orlando, Florida. 

Staff had the opportunity to learn and share from both organisations about the similarities and differences in their youth work practice. It was great visiting the BGC America youth clubs to see first hand the quality youth work they deliver, as well as sharing best practices. The conversations with the World Federation were really valuable, especially hearing about how they support their member clubs around the world, and sharing about their new and exciting ‘Sister Club’ program for affiliated clubs to connect and support one another. 

Overall it was a great trip for the team to see quality youth work, share best practices and see how an International Opportunity works.

Youth Work Professionals to America

P2 23/24


We had a fantastic time visiting the World Federation of Youth Clubs, as well as BGC America Youth Clubs in Orlando, Florida.

Staff had the opportunity to learn and share from both organisations about the similarities and differences in their youth work practice. It was great visiting the BGC America youth clubs to see first hand the quality youth work they deliver, as well as sharing best practices. The conversations with the World Federation were really valuable, especially hearing about how they support their member clubs around the world, and sharing about their new and exciting ‘Sister Club’ program for affiliated clubs to connect and support one another.

Overall it was a great trip for the team to see quality youth work, share best practices and see how an International Opportunity works.

Another successful week of inward mobilties. This is our other destination of the Welsh-American Youth Exchange.
Jeremy and the Team were fantastic, and we are looking forward to meeting them again, and see how this partnership
continues to develop.

Welcome Washington State

P1 22/23 Inward Mobility


Another successful week of inward mobilties. This is our other destination of the Welsh-American Youth Exchange.
Jeremy and the Team were fantastic, and we are looking forward to meeting them again, and see how this partnership
continues to develop.

To promote BGC Wales's work in America and to prepare and build great relationship for future partnership working with World Federation of Youth Clubs, BGC Jacksonville, BGC Sarasota, BGC Orlando Watch this space!

USA Best Practice Exchange

P1 22/23 Outward Mobility


To promote BGC Wales's work in America and to prepare and build great relationship for future partnership working with World Federation of Youth Clubs, BGC Jacksonville, BGC Sarasota, BGC Orlando Watch this space!

We have a group coming in from Germany. It is a great chance for us to discuss the summer German Exchange which we are hosting.

Welcome Germany

P1 22/23 Inward Mobility


We have a group coming in from Germany. It is a great chance for us to discuss the summer German Exchange which we are hosting.

from across Wales. It was amazing to see the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and the catacombs.
Super great cultural experience, and we were able to visit Dunkirk on the way home, to
remember its significance and importance.

Youth Forum visits France

P1 22/23 Outward Mobility


from across Wales. It was amazing to see the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and the catacombs.
Super great cultural experience, and we were able to visit Dunkirk on the way home, to
remember its significance and importance.

Toronto Canada - we are helping to organise the Rugby Boys trip to Canada whilst meeting BGC Canada while we are there.

Canada Best Practice Exchange

P1 22/23 Outward Mobility


Toronto Canada - we are helping to organise the Rugby Boys trip to Canada whilst meeting BGC Canada while we are there.

In November, we hosted Nick and Annie from Yellowstone County BGC in Montanna. This is an exciting new partnership that we are developing, and it was so good to be able to spend time with them showing off Wales. We were able to share Welsh Culture, visit Welsh Youth Clubs and discuss exciting possibilities for future work together.

Yellowstone County BGC

P1 22/23 Inward Mobility


In November, we hosted Nick and Annie from Yellowstone County BGC in Montanna. This is an exciting new partnership that we are developing, and it was so good to be able to spend time with them showing off Wales. We were able to share Welsh Culture, visit Welsh Youth Clubs and discuss exciting possibilities for future work together.

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HQ - Pencoed Technology Park,
Bridgend CF35 5HZ

The Lodge - Heol Dewi Sant, Bettws, Bridgend CF32 8TA

02920 575705

© Boys' and Girls' Clubs of Wales. All rights reserved.
Charity number:  1203908 (formerly 1009142)

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