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Safeguarding Our Young People

CROATIA (October 2022)

In late October 2022, BGC Wales staff were fortunate enough to once more be hosted by partners involved with the SOYP (Safeguarding Our Young People) Project for our final best practice visit. Hermes (Hrvatska edukacijska i razvojna mreža za evoluciju sporazumijevanja/Croatian Education and Development Network for the Evolution of Communication), our Croatian leads for this project, spent the week facilitating the learning of youth practitioners from Wales, Germany and Spain as we continue to work towards the production of our Safeguarding Handbook and complementary E-Learning.

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The team opposite spent their days learning from the current best practice policy and procedures in place at HERMES as well as having the opportunity to learn from a variety of statutory and non-statutory organisations working for the advocation and prioritisation of the safety and wellbeing of young people in Croatia. 


We were delighted to have guest speakers from the likes of:

- Brave Phone  - Croatia's 2nd most recognised NGO

- CESI - particularly in regard to their SEZAM project 

- Children Clinic (Zagreb)

As we move towards the final dissemination event to be hosted in Wales, in January 2023 we have spent more time working collaboratively on the production of the resources for the final outcomes of this project:

- A shared Best Practice Handbook 

- A complimentary E-Learning module


As always we are grateful to our partners and funders:  

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