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Respect project

The Respect Project is specially designed for young people in year 9 of school who would benefit from additional support from BGC Wales. Participants are invited to take part in two activity days where they will try a variety of physical and mental challenges all based in the outdoors. On a successful completion of two activity days participants will continue on to a number of evening sessions where topics such as self respect, personal challenge, wellbeing, and mindfulness to name but a few are all discussed. The program culminates in week-long residential which will challenge participants both mentally and physically in a variety of adventure and personal challenges. The programme lasts roughly 3 months and is open to all schools in Barry, Vale of Glamorgan.

If you would like to take part in the Respect Project please contact or for more information please download the respect project booklet.


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HQ - Pencoed Technology Park,
Bridgend CF35 5HZ

The Lodge - Heol Dewi Sant, Bettws, Bridgend CF32 8TA

02920 575705

© Boys' and Girls' Clubs of Wales. All rights reserved.
Charity number:  1203908 (formerly 1009142)

General Data Protection Regulation 2016 and the Data Protection Act 2018

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