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South Wales
Police Youth Volunteer Scheme

From 2024-2025 South Wales Police partnered with BGC Wales, the Council for Wales of Voluntary Youth Services (CWVYS), Cardiff Metropolitan University and University of Wales Trinity St David’s to enhance the delivery of the Police Youth Volunteers (PYV) Scheme. The PYV scheme is part of a police uniformed youth group recognised throughout the UK. It aims to encourage the spirit of adventure and good citizenship and inspire young people to participate positively in their communities and it also delivers volunteer work which helps support local policing priorities. The Police Youth Volunteering (PYV) Scheme is a programme in which young people aged 14-18 can get involved and build on a variety of skills.


Our role within the programme was to work alongside the South Wales Police PYV team and develop a programme for the PYV hubs. Through the programme we focussed on our young people's well-being, personal development and community engagement. The Peace Mala Award and The Duke of Edinburgh were programmes we initiated for our young people. 


The programme did not aim to develop our young people into members of the police force, but to provide our young people the opportunity to build a variety of relationships, network and make a positive impact within their communities. 

Unfortunately, due to financial constraints within South Wales Police (SWP), BGC Wales' involvement has now come to an end. We are extremely proud of our staff team who worked alongside their SWP partners to deliver an incredible amount in the short life of the project. They engaged with 150 young people, with their positive impact clearly reflected in the feedback from both the PYVs and SWP participants. As a proud partner of the Council for Wales of Voluntary Youth Services (CWVYS) in this project, we would also like to extend our sincere thanks to them for their support.


Read more about the outcomes and impact of the PYV project.

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Charity number:  1203908 (formerly 1009142)

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